Former French Open champion Michael Chang has voiced his surprise at how he was depicted by Andre Agassi in his autobiography titled Open.
In the book, Agassi made some comments about Chang’s devotion to Christianity which sort of made Chang scratch his head a little bit. Chang was also flustered at the fact that Agassi let another tennis legend, Jim Courier know about the contents of the book before its release but never spoke to him about it at an exhibition with only a week left for publication of the book.
“I read the excerpts, and it’s hard for me not to shake my head a little bit,” Chang said. “I wonder if, to some degree, whether some of the stuff he wrote was more or less to sell the book… It was kind of odd. Andre was very harsh on me for my Christian faith, but at the same time, I believe he understands where I am as far as my faith. We actually used to have Bible studies together early on in our careers. He was upset that I would go and thank the Lord for my matches, which, back then, was probably not as commonplace as you see today. I would have thought that he would know me better than that; that me going out and expressing that has nothing to do with saying, ‘I’m better than you, or ‘God loves me more than he loves you.’ That’s not the case.”
Chang did say that Andre was pretty harsh on everyone, and it’s just the way he is; but he has had a pretty good relationship with him for the most part.
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